Consulting, Supervision, Design

Consulting and Supervision
Avijeh Sanat Certified Company performs these tests using the best and most accurate devices available on the market, and in case of possible problems as a result of the tests, it provides the best solutions to resolve the problem and achieve the desired conditions.
Avijeh Sanat Certified Company, utilizing world-class knowledge and using appropriate devices and equipment to perform tests related to devices in the production units of pharmaceutical companies (solids, liquids, and injectable lines), will be by your side so that you have all operations related to the quality of installation of devices IQ, the quality of commissioning of devices OQ, and the quality of performance of devices PQ, along with all relevant documents and documentation for each device, and easily pass the Food and Drug Administration audit
Avijeh Sanat Certified Company, utilizing the capabilities of its experts and consultants, has always strived to be one of the most capable companies in the field of conceptual design of clean rooms for the production of various types of drugs and medical equipment.
In the conceptual design stage, after visiting the project site and holding a meeting with the employer's representatives and consultants, the initial design is designed by this company based on the needs assessment, production conditions and limitations, as well as the latest available standards and guidelines, and is approved by the supervisory body (Food and Drug Administration or Medical Equipment Agency).
After obtaining approval from the supervisory body, the basic and detailed design stage begins, and in this part, the company's engineers, who are also members of the Engineering System Organization, design the project's mechanical and electrical facilities based on the latest available criteria and standards.
Therefore, the output of the design process of a project will include conceptual drawings approved by the supervisory body and detailed and executive drawings approved by the engineers of the Engineering System Organization.